
Regarding drone based geotechnical investigations; EMerald Geomodelling in partnership with SkyTEM, SDU and NGI has successfully secured Eurostar’s funding for a € 1.6 M development project. The funding will help finance the event of a drone-based system and piloting with strategic partners over the subsequent 30 months. EMerald and SkyTem will deal with the challenge of unacceptable amounts of user’s [...]


Home Builders Awards 2017 – Best Geotechnical Engineering Company UK


Geo-Environmental Services Limited have been announced as the Best Geotechnical Engineering Company UK in the Home Builders Awards 2017. Glyn Evans, Managing Director said: "It is a pleasure to win this award in our 21st year as a company and it especially poignant that this is the Home Builders Award 2017, with the housing development market being the cornerstone of our company [...]

Home Builders Awards 2017 – Best Geotechnical Engineering Company UK2017-03-21T00:00:00+00:00

Rock Fall Risk Assessment


We are often asked whether we are able to undertake risk assessments for slopes, especially for road and rail projects, at risk of rock falls.   We can undertake a rock fall risk assessment and the tool we use to model these is called RocFall.  RocFall is a statistical analysis program designed to assist with assessment of slopes at risk for [...]

Rock Fall Risk Assessment2016-08-23T00:00:00+01:00

Rock Slope Stability – Trialling New Equipment


Our IRATA trained geotechnical engineers have been trialling out new head mounted torches and cameras on a Network Rail site in Coventry.  The work involved investigation of the rock slope, in partnership with SCA Group Limited, who provided vegetation clearance.   The new camera will allow us to take video and camera footage of the rock slope and any features that [...]

Rock Slope Stability – Trialling New Equipment2016-07-19T00:00:00+01:00

Ground Engineering Challenges for 2016 and beyond: BIM and development in an urban environment


It was a pleasure to meet you when we were at the Ground Engineering Challenges for 2016 and beyond: BIM and development in an urban environment meeting at BDP in Manchester.   I hope you enjoyed our presentation and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Preparing for the presentation at BDP's offices Glyn and Mike [...]

Ground Engineering Challenges for 2016 and beyond: BIM and development in an urban environment2016-06-24T00:00:00+01:00



Members of our team have recently completed Rope Access Training.  We know have IRATA  accredited staff which allows Geo-Environmental to deliver a skilled workforce that can reliably employ a proven work-at-height method for geotechnical investigations and railway embankments, road embankments to cliff faces, amongst others. Whilst some people were on a refresher, for others this was their first IRATA course and they found [...]

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