Transport Development

Geo-Environmental is an International Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering Consultancy, part of the Geo-Environmental group of companies. Our consulting engineering team consists of Degree and Masters qualified consulting engineers, and include; Chartered Geologists, Chartered Environmentalists, Chartered Scientists. This experience is backed up by our use of the latest technology to support our investigations, a fully integrated management system, a range of health and safety accreditations and our membership of a range of industry bodies.

Geotechnical and environmental engineering is essential to the development and operation of a railway system. Most highways run for much of their length within or on geotechnical structures such as cuttings and embankments. The principles of soil mechanics, which underlie the practice of geotechnical engineering, may equally be applied to a ballasted road surface.

Furthermore, the industrial heritage and high usage of our road network means that land and water contamination may be present or occur for a wide range of reasons

  • Assessing the geotechnical ground conditions to evaluate ground conditions and provide design parameters or design solutions for stable embankments and cuttings, pads and footings for heavy plant used during construction, pile designs for bridges and viaducts, as well as trackbeds.
  • Assessing the environmental ground conditions to evaluate the need for any remediation methods to avoid mobilisation of contaminants (for example: there may also be historical chemical or fuel spillage, leaking fuel tanks, engineering landfills and other buried waste).

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