Solar PV and Battery Storage

As a geotechnical and environmental consultancy, we can provide all of the testing and advice for foundations for PV panels, battery storage plants, substations and ancillary infrastructure.  We can also provide the chemical testing for pH value of soils and soil corrosivity analysis and soil thermal resistivity testing.  This is in addition to all of our comprehensive site investigation and testing abilities.

However, there is a growing trend to situate renewable energy sites on brownfield land and an assessment is required to ensure that any contamination present is not mobilised, posing a risk to human health and the natural environment.    Geo-Environmental have undertaken a number of environmental assessments on former brownfield sites including landfill sites and can support you in tackling the challenges posed by developing potentially contaminated land, helping you minimise risks and realise assets.

Additionally on some farmland sites, it may be necessary to establish whether the land could be considered “best and most versatile” quality, or not. Geo-Environmental can provide agricultural land assessments to grade the agricultural quality of the land as part of your site feasibility assessments.

Finally, many Solar PV Farms and Battery Storage sites have been situated in low lying areas which could be at risk of flooding. Geo-Environmental can source flood risk assessments and if flood mitigation is required we can produce earthworks specifications for any proposed flood alleviation measures and advise on SuDS compliant measures.

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