Osborne/SCA Group

Services Supplied on this Project:

  • Geotechnical Ground Investigation
  • Contamination Assessment

Key Considerations:

  • Health and safety plans
  • Public safety
  • Stakeholder communications
  • Buried services
  • Trackside working

Project Details:


The Project

Geo-Environmental was instructed by SCA Group on behalf of Osborne to investigate the geotechnical and geo-environmental factors pertaining to the proposed construction works at Farnborough North Station. It was understood that the ground investigation was required to support the main works contract at Farnborough North Level Crossing, which were to construct a wheelchair and pedestrian access bridge across the rail tracks.  As such, the objectives were to undertake intrusive investigation works and compile a factual report on the findings of the intrusive works and the laboratory analysis, to support this development.


  • Provision of a Construction Phase Plan and RAMS pack presenting a site risk assessment and method statement(s) specific to the proposed investigation.
  • Provision of Chapter 8 fencing to cordon off working areas.
  • Attendance of an engineer to set out & supervise the intrusive investigation, undertake sampling, in-situ testing and logging of the recovered soils from the exploratory holes.
  • Construction of 2No. Rotary boreholes to a depth of upto 15.0m bgl together with insitu testing & sampling at regular intervals.
  • Construction of 7No. dynamic sampler boreholes to depths of between 5.0m and 7.0m bgl, depending on drilling conditions, using a self-propelled track mounted rig, with in-situ testing and sampling at regular intervals.
  • Provision of a Factual Report of the encountered ground and groundwater conditions and the results of the in-situ testing and sampling.


In the pre-planning phases of the project it was noted that due to the proximity of the deeper boreholes to the rail tracks and access constraints, the use of the cable percussive rig detailed in the client specification was deemed inpractical. It was recommended by Geo-Environmental and agreed by Osborne that a Comacchio 205 multipurpose rig would be best utilised for the deeper boreholes.  On a project such as this, where there are both health and safety concerns and difficult drilling conditions, it is important to employ a Company that has both the track record and skilled staff to advise you. Our advise on this project reduced the risk of any project delays and cost overruns.  As an organisation Geo-Environmental has been providing geotechnical and environmental consultancy, and ground investigation services since 1996 and has been working in the rail sector since 2007.   We have provided services in a range of rail settings that have covered high-speed, interurban and commuter services, along with heritage lines.