Blyth and Blyth

Services Supplied on this Project:

  • Phase I desk study.
  • A site walkover survey of the site, set-out and supervision of the field works.
  • Window sampling/dynamic probing.
  • Cable percussion borehole.
  • Groundwater monitoring standpipes.
  • Gas and groundwater monitoring.
  • Geotechnical testing.
  • Machine excavated trial pit.
  • Soakage tests in accordance with BRE365.
  • Chemical analysis of soil samples.
  • Waste Acceptance Criteria tests.
  • The provision of an interpretive report including a desk study and an assessment of environmental issues pertaining to the site and its redevelopment.

Project Details:


Commercial Development
Approximately 22k

The Project

Geo-Environmental was instructed by Blyth and Blyth to undertake an investigation of the geotechnical and environmental factors pertaining to the proposed redevelopment of a 4.5 Hectare site for a large commercial superstore. The proposed redevelopment was to comprise the construction of a new superstore, with an associated multi-storey car park on an adjacent plot to the south. The proposals included a link bridge over a road, between the store and car park.

Our investigation was to provide geotechnical parameters and foundation recommendations, as well as to provide an appraisal of the environmental quality.

Environmental Considerations

In terms of the environmental investigation, reference was made to the conceptual site model (CSM) developed as part of the Phase I, in order to provide a basis for the scope and rationale of the Phase II ground investigation. The data from the information review and Phase II investigations were then to form the basis of a subsequent Generic Quantitative Risk Assessment (GQRA).


Our investigation provided the input the design and development of the site’s foundation design, pavement construction, soakaways, concrete specification, excavation stability and earth works. Our risk assessments evaluated the risks posed to the proposed redevelopment, adjacent land uses, and the wider environment, in the context of the development options, immediate liabilities under the Environment Act 1990, and risks posed to Controlled Waters under the Water Resources Act. All work was carried out in accordance with Health and Safety best practices and was successfully completed without any incidents. The reports were delivered on time and the work on budget.